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[fivecol_three]The Get It Scrapped Membership is an all-access pass to a library of over 60 layout design and visual storytelling classes that incorporate ebooks, videos, templates and sketches. “Learning tracks” provide paths through the materials with checklists and assignments. Live webinar events (with recordings) offer up conversations with contributing teachers on the topics. Everything is downloadable.[toggler theme=”boxed” scheme=”blue” title=”Membership Includes” ][membershipcontent][/toggler][toggler theme=”boxed” scheme=”blue” title=”Praise for the GIS Membership”][testimonials][/toggler][toggler theme=”boxed” scheme=”blue” title=”How You Can Join”][membership][/toggler][toggler theme=”boxed” scheme=”blue” title=”No-Risk Guarantee”][norisk][/toggler][divider_flat][toggler theme=”boxed” scheme=”blue” title=”Upcoming Releases for Members”][upcoming][/toggler][toggler theme=”boxed” scheme=”blue” title=”Library Quick View”][pastclasses][/toggler][/fivecol_three][fivecol_two_last]
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Listen in to clips from just a few of the 250+ interviews in the membership library.