redirect Study Tension | 300 page e-book + 10 live events


Tension gets attention. When you set up a situation with tension, the viewer feels like something isn’t quite right, that something might happen that the viewer doesn’t want to miss.

Tension is an important element in making something beautiful. Consider the good guy and the bad guy in fiction; vertical columns supporting curves in architecture; hard movements combined with flowing movements in dance. ‘

Creating visual tension on your scrapbook pages will give them energy and interest.

Study tension with author, teacher and mixed media artist Dina Wakley, digital product designer and scrapbooker Anna Aspnes, Two Peas Garden Girl Corrie Jones, Jenni Bowlin Marketing Director Doris Sander, and Cocoa Daisy Marketing and Design Team Lead Emily Pitts. {Choose an option over there in the sidebar (or if you’re on mobile down there at the bottom of the post)}

Tension includes:

10 live events in September and October (with recordings) [toggle hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”white” title_open=”Close” title_closed=”See events calendar”][do_widget “google calendar events”][/toggle]

and a 300 page ebook covering:

  • 3 approaches for adding narrative tension by getting the clock ticking
  • Dina Wakley’s 4 top Gestalt principles  for layout design
  • 5 reasons Emily Pitts breaks borders
  • How Anna Aspnes applies artsy digital products and techniques to classic design principles
  • 6 ways to break space and borders
  • 4 twists Corrie Jones uses to make unexpected pattern combos work
  • The mismatched combos that grab the eye and add appeal
  • 5 sketches and layered templates for Photoshop from Amy Kingsford based on our guest teacher’s designs.
  • Tami Taylor makes sure you’re not “typecast” with 10 ideas for tension with type
  • Doris Sanders shares 4 tricks for using color to create tension
  • 10 hours of scrapbook talk in live events (and later in video or audio) to get you inspired and enjoying giving your photos the backdrops that tell their stories well.
  • and many more lessons and ideas too numerous to mention.



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