Scrapbook Coach 23 Strips | Layout 3

Scrapbook Coach 23 Strips | Layout 3

This sketch and template are based on a layout from Scrapbook Coach 23 Strips Lesson 3. Template and layout by Debbie Hodge. View Scrapbook Coach 23 Grids. download sketch &...
Scrapbook Coach 23 Strips | Layout 4

Scrapbook Coach 23 Strips | Layout 4

This sketch and template are based on a layout from Scrapbook Coach 23 Strips Lesson 4. Template and layout by Debbie Hodge. View Scrapbook Coach 23 Grids. download sketch &...
Translating Inspiration | Crafts | Hannah Lemieux

Translating Inspiration | Crafts | Hannah Lemieux

This sketch and template are based on the layout Hannah Lemieux made for the Translating Inspiration to Story and Design class, Crafts. Template by Amy Kingsford. Go to Translating Inspiration to Story and Design | Crafts download template and...
Translating Inspiration | Crafts | Lynnette Penacho

Translating Inspiration | Crafts | Lynnette Penacho

This sketch and template are based on the layout Lynnette Penacho made for the Translating Inspiration to Story and Design class, Crafts. Template by Amy Kingsford. Go to Translating Inspiration to Story and Design | Crafts download template and...
Translating Inspiration | Crafts | Christy Strickler

Translating Inspiration | Crafts | Christy Strickler

This sketch and template are based on the layout Christy Strickler made for the Translating Inspiration to Story and Design class, Crafts. Template by Amy Kingsford. Go to Translating Inspiration to Story and Design | Crafts download template and...

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